Guest Services...

Tooth Whitening
Teeth Whitening or "bleaching" is a safe, effective procedure to whiten & brighten your teeth and make you look years younger.

Porcelain Crowns & Bridges
Crowns and bridges refer to the restoration of teeth using porcelain. Whether covering or capping a tooth (crown) or spanning areas of missing or extracted teeth (bridge), we can meet your needs in this area.

Immediate Teeth Straightening
Straight teeth give you a great smile and self-confidence. Our office can work with you to explain the options we offer in this area.

Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are a cosmetic solution to change your smile by improving their color, size, or shape. Veneers can be done in 2 simple visits.

Tooth Colored Fillings
"White" fillings are done today because they are proven to be better for your teeth and they also look great.

Full Mouth Reconstruction
A procedure that allows us to enhance and recreate a beautiful smile when
teeth are missing, severely broken, not straight or just not perfect. This procedure can be done in a few short visits (as seen on T.V. show, Extreme Makeover).

We offer oral and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation to make you feel more relaxed in the dental chair.

A bridge is used to fill the space where a tooth has been previously. It fills in the spaces and restores your smile.

A crown or "cap" is the best solution to protect your teeth when you are at risk for fractures or breaks. Crowns can be done in 2 appointments.

Whether as a youngster or an adult - sometimes extractions are called for when a tooth has been damaged or decayed beyond repair. We strive to provide this service while insuring your comfort. If needed we can provide sedation services to assist in your comfort during this service.

Dentures & Partials
Done to replace missing teeth to give you your beautiful smile back.

Root Canals
When a tooth is in danger of future infection or severe decay, it can sometimes still be saved by performing a root canal.
Today root canal procedures are very efficient & painless. They can be done in one appointment and can save your smile.

Oral Surgery
Most general dentists don't offer these services to their guests. However, we do offer oral surgery in our office to save our patient's time & money. We complete 95% of oral surgeries in our office.

Procedure done to strengthen and protect the tooth with the least amount of tooth structure taken away. Onlay's are much stronger than a regular filling.